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Английский Этимологический словарь - night


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- O.E. niht (W.Saxon neaht, Anglian nжht, neht), the vowel indicating that the modern word derives from oblique cases (gen. nihte, dat. niht), from P.Gmc. *nakht-, from PIE *nok(w)t- (cf. Gk. nuks "a night," L. nox, O.Ir. nochd, Skt. naktam "at night," Lith. naktis "night," Rus. noch'). For spelling with -gh- see fight. A nightcap in the alcoholic sense is from 1818; night shift is attested from 1710. Night owl applied to persons 1846. To work nights preserves the O.E. genitive of time.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~ n 1 »WHEN IT IS DARK« the dark part of each 24-hour period when the sun cannot be seen  (a starry night | at night/by night (=when it is dark))  (At night the temperature drops below zero. | They travelled by night and slept during the day. | all night (long) (=through the whole night))  (In New York, some stores stay open all night long. | The party went on all night. | night train/flight/bus (=a train, plane, bus etc that travels at night))  (We took the night train to Glasgow. | the night sky/air)  (the cold night air | at dead of night (=in the middle of the night when it is quiet))  (Their meetings were held in secret at dead of night. | night falls (=it becomes dark))  (Night was beginning to fall as we sailed into Vera Cruz.) 2 »WHEN YOU SLEEP« the time when most people are in bed  (I didn't sleep too well last night. | We had to get up in the middle of the night. | 14 nights in a 5 star hotel | at night (=when it is night))  (She's so worried she can't sleep at night. | in the night (=during the night))  (The baby woke up twice in the night. | spend the night)  (We spent the first two nights of our vacation in a cheap motel. | spend the night with sb (=and have sex with someone) | stay the night (=sleep at someone's house))  (If you miss the last bus home, you can always stay the night. | a good night's sleep (=when you sleep well all night))  (You look exhausted! What you need is a good night's sleep. | have a bad night BrE (=not sleep much)) 3 »EVENING« the time during the evening until you go to bed  (Most nights we just stay at home and watch television. | last night)  (Where did you go last night? | at night)  (Do you mean 9:30 in the morning or 9:30 at night? | tomorrow night)  (My parents are coming for dinner tomorrow night. | the other night spoken (=a few nights ago))  (Did I tell you I saw Nicky Ansell the other night? | Friday night/Saturday night etc)  (There's a party at Ben's place on Saturday night. | a night out (=a night when you go to a party, restaurant, theatre etc))...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (nights) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The night is the part of each day when the sun has set and it is dark outside, especially the time when people are sleeping. He didn’t sleep a wink all night... The fighting began in the late afternoon and continued all night... Our reporter spent the night crossing the border from Austria into Slovenia... Finally night fell. N-VAR 2. The night is the period of time between the end of the afternoon and the time that you go to bed, especially the time when you relax before going to bed. So whose party was it last night?... Demiris took Catherine to dinner the following night. N-COUNT 3. A particular night is a particular evening when a special event takes place, such as a show or a play. The first night crowd packed the building. ...election night. N-COUNT: supp N 4. If it is a particular time at night, it is during the time when it is dark and is before midnight. It’s eleven o’clock at night in Moscow... He works obsessively from 7.15 am to 9 or 10 at night. PHRASE: num PHR 5. If something happens at night, it happens regularly during the evening or night. He was going to college at night, in order to become an accountant... The veranda was equipped with heavy wooden rain doors that were kept closed at night. PHRASE: PHR after v 6. If something happens day and night or night and day, it happens all the time without stopping. Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks... He was at my door night and day, demanding my attention. PHRASE: usu PHR after v 7. If you have an early night, you go to bed early. If you have a late night, you go to bed late. I’ve had a hell of a day, and all I want is an early night... In spite of the travelling and the late night, she did not feel tired. PHRASE: N inflects 8. morning, noon and night: see morning ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English niht; akin to Old High German naht ~, Latin noct-, nox, Greek nykt-, nyx  Date: before 12th century  1. the time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible  2.  a. an evening or ~ taken as an occasion or point of time the opening ~  b. an evening set aside for a particular purpose  3.  a. the quality or state of being dark  b. a condition or period felt to resemble the darkness of ~: as  (1) a period of dreary inactivity or affliction  (2) absence of moral values  c. the beginning of darkness ; ~fall  • ~less adjective  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. of, relating to, or associated with the ~ ~ air  2. intended for use at ~ a ~ lamp  3.  a. existing, occurring, or functioning at ~ ~ baseball a ~ nurse  b. active or functioning best at ~ ~ people ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the period of darkness between one day and the next; the time from sunset to sunrise. 2 nightfall (shall not reach home before night). 3 the darkness of night (as black as night). 4 a night or evening appointed for some activity, or spent or regarded in a certain way (last night of the Proms; a great night out). Phrases and idioms night-blindness = NYCTALOPIA. night fighter an aeroplane used for interception at night. night-hawk 1 a nocturnal prowler, esp. a thief. 2 a nightjar. night-life entertainment available at night in a town. night-light a dim light kept on in a bedroom at night. night-long throughout the night. night nurse a nurse on duty during the night. night-owl colloq. a person active at night. night safe a safe with access from the outer wall of a bank for the deposit of money etc. when the bank is closed. night school an institution providing evening classes for those working by day. night shift a shift of workers employed during the night. night-soil the contents of cesspools etc. removed at night, esp. for use as manure. night-time the time of darkness. night-watchman 1 a person whose job is to keep watch by night. 2 Cricket an inferior batsman sent in when a wicket falls near the close of a day's play. Derivatives nightless adj. Etymology: OE neaht, niht f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  ночь, ночный night viewing device — прибор ночного видения - night visibility ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. ночь; время от наступления темноты до рассвета или от 6 часов вечера до 6 часов утра Christmas night —- сочельник; ночь под рождество all night long —- всю ночь напролет night after night —- каждую ночь at night —- ночью by night —- в течение ночи; под покровом ночи night and day, day and night —- день и ночь; круглые сутки; постоянно, непрерывно far into the night —- далеко за полночь in a night —- за одну ночь legends say that Fuji rose in a night —- легенды говорят, что гора Фудзи поднялась за ночь to have (to pass) a good night —- хорошо проспать ночь a night's lodging —- ночлег he stayed three nights with us —- он гостил у нас трое суток; он три раза ночевал у нас the night is young yet —- еще не очень поздно 2. вечер night after night —- каждый вечер at night —- вечером at 8 o'clock at night —- в восемь часов вечера by night —- по вечерам Saturday night —- субботний вечер last night —- вчера вечером night off —- свободный (от работы) вечер night out —- выходной вечер прислуги 3. юр. часть суток, начинающаяся спустя час после заката и кончающаяся за час до восхода солнца 4. вечер, отведенный или назначенный для какого-л. мероприятия opening night —- торжественное открытие (сезона, клуба и т. п.) first night —- первое представление, премьера (спектакля) 5. вечеринка, кутеж to make a night of it —- прокутить всю ночь he...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) ночь, проведенная вне дома (особ. в развлечениях);  б) выходной вечер прислуги; NIGHT duty ночное дежурство NIGHT porter noun ночной портье NIGHT noun  1) ночь; вечер; night after night, night by night - каждую ночь; all night (long) - в течение всей ночи; всю ночь напролет; о (=on) nights coll. - по ночам; night fell - наступила ночь; far into the night - далеко за полночь; to have a good (bad) night - хорошо (плохо) спать ночь; - at night - by night - night out - have the night out - have a night off - last night  2) темнота, мрак; to go forth into the night - исчезнуть во мраке ночи; the night of ignorance - полное невежество  3) attr. ночной, вечерний; - night duty night and day - всегда, непрестанно to make a night of it - прокутить всю ночь напролет - the small night NIGHT binoculars ночной бинокль ...
Англо-русский словарь


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